Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Reminiscing about Beijing with love...

Beijing, the capital of China, the pride of the Chinese empire, the northern capital, the administrative stronghold of the CCP....

This place does have many names....

I like this place, but it is also a place that is pretty much an accquired taste, much like a strong cheese....

Initially, I was wondering....what is Beijing like? Why are there so much construction going on? Is China trying to show to the rest of the world its construction might or is labour that cheap?
Do they even have the capacity to absorb all these new constructions? In a way, as long as China continues to have phenomenon growth and the Chinese people continue to believe that Beijing is the centre of all Chinese power, there will not be spare capacity.....

The change and vibrancy that is Beijing will make me miss this place! I don't however miss the harsh winters and the spits.....


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