Monday, July 12, 2004

Whilst waiting....

Here I am sitting waiting for my flight from Shenzhen to Wuhan...

Boy was it harrowing and interesting trying to catch the bus from HK Airport to Shenzhen Airport!
Ideally I would have loved to catch a connecting flight but as there were no direct flights and I don't really want to hang around at the airport til the next day, I decided to go to Shenzhen to catch a flight up to Wuhan instead.

It must have been the wanderlust for travel that made me do it, I swear!
Was interesting crossing the border via the bus! Now, I have tried crossing via train and bus! So maybe I should take the ferry next?

Perhaps I have too much time to spare, but with one hour to waste whilst waiting and the bookshop having close…...i decided to switch on the laptop and do some work...
But all I got done was some minor project planning...
Most of my time I spent observing my fellow passengers instead….

Why do Chinese people have to spit?

Do people have that much phlegm that they need to eject it from their system in a hurry?
Do they have to do it with such gusto, accompanying noise and all?
Do they have to do it in public (which by the way is spelt publice here as evidenced by publice signs in Shenzhen airport!)?
Do they have to do the spits so frequently?

These are the questions which I have been asking, and which I have been trying to observe and to ponder ever since I arrived in China….

Till date, I have to report that I have not achieved much success…

One theory which I am trying to confirm is: The diet in China causes unknown amount of phlegm to be formed and coagulated in the throat of a person….

I shall sacrifice myself and try to adapt to the full chinese diet here in Shenzhen and Wuhan….

Only then will I be able to confirm my theory….

Do await my findings…..

Disclaimer: I promise not to spit! I have been told ages before by Tom that I can’t spit and I only dribble (that was in reference to wine tasting and not spitting in public!). Since dribbling phlegm is definitely worse than forceful spitting, I will just suffer in silence if my theory holds true…


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