Impending Storm in HK
My first typhoon storm in HK since I have been here! About time....the last time there was a storm warning was a couple of weeks ago...
But that storm got away and escaped to Taiwan...
It's finally here! A typical tropical cyclone...
Have been through them before, in Taiwan...and saw goldfishes floating around in the air....
Must say i haven't seen it before in HK....
But it must be of regular occurances in HK as people are extremely organised about this here...
When the warnings escalate into higher and higher rankings, people start making preparations to head home...
Shops, offices and banks are closed by now..and the stock exchange is closed! (boy it must be a serious warning! HKSE closed?!?!)
The streets are mostly clear now, as I sit observing in my hotel room....except for a few silly tourists who are out walking around near the ferry docks....(i think they probably have a wish of being swept into the sea and seeing the fishes there...)
There is a sense of calm around.....
The busy streets and buzz of HK have all suddenly gone.....Quietness reigns!...
Seeing this reminds me of the cliche "The calmness before the storm" (i hope i got the cliche right! Can't quite remember)
Took a photo from my hotel room. Yep I am facing the harbour and into Kowloon. Can't wait for the storm to arrive! I can view it from here! All safe and sound...
I know I shouldn't be so excited about a storm that might potentially claim lives and cause damage to property etc, but it's exciting to see one up close after so many years (the one which I observed in Taiwan was when I was a kid!)
Observe the photo (it is a photo of the Star Ferry terminal)...i think most of the ferries and boats are docked....
It is still not raining as heavily and the winds have not really gone into full strength...
I hope the storm is fast and quick....I want to head out on the weekend!?!?!
ooh...the waves are getting stronger....perhaps the storm is coming.....

Impending Typhoon in HK